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Roasted and Marinated Peppers  

Makes 12 servings

6 large bell peppers (Red and yellow are the best)
3 green chiles
½ cup olive oil
1 garlic clove, finely minced
Freshly ground lack pepper to taste



Place the peppers on top of a gas flame or under a broiler and roast them, turning often until the skin is completely black.  Put the peppers in a plastic bag and let them stand for 5 to 10 minutes.  Rub off the skin, (Use a paper towel for better traction. don't lose
flavor by removing the skin under running water) cut the stem
end off  the peppers, seed them, and cut into strips. Arrange the pepper strips in a shallow dish and sprinkle with olive oil, garlic
and pepper. 
Marinate for at least 4 hours, or overnight.

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